Baby & Toddler Sleep While On The Go

When I was pregnant, people always told me to “sleep while I could.” And then after I had my son came my personal favorite - “sleep when the baby sleeps!”

Totally doable, right? Who needs to do laundry, shower, go to work, or - gasp! - have 5 minutes to yourself?

I’ll be totally honest - the first 6 months of Max’s life left a lingering cloud on me for a while. The lack of sleep (and being far away from friends and family, therefore having little support) hit me hard - and took me a long time to rebound from. In part because of that, I got him on a relatively strict schedule, no matter where we are in the world - and helping him (and therefore myself) get the best possible sleep is super important to me.

I am, by no means, an expert. But here’s are a few things that have worked for me when it comes to helping ensure my son gets a good night sleep.


In hotels, and when sharing a room, the Slumberpod has been an ABSOLUTE GAME CHANGER. It fits over most travel cribs and pack and plays. We put it in the corner, or even in a closet, and put a noise machine (see #3) in between us and him. The child won’t be distracted by trying to look around the room, the noise machine helps them feel even more like they have their own space, and the fact that it’s completely blacked out in there helps them get deeper, restful sleep.

Probably in-part because he’s slept in the dark for most of his life, my son won’t nap anywhere other than in a blacked out room - so on days where we’re on the go, I have to just accept that he won’t be napping in the carseat or on a plane. That being said, he usually sleeps really well at night now, and since he’s such an active kid, still takes a nap most afternoons if in bed in the dark.

Having him sleep in a blacked out room has also been able to have him on a “baseball schedule,” going to bed later and waking up later, because the morning light isn’t a factor. Furthermore, when traveling, it helps minimize jet lag. If he’s tired, he’s not (as) thrown off by the sun suddenly being up at 7am when according to his body, it’s only 4am.

When traveling, we use these portable curtains that stick on the window. Nothing to install, no walls to mess up. Just make sure those bad boys are truly blocking out all of the light.


We didn’t do this at first, but when we started to implement it, we realized how important that it was. We start “wind down time” approximately an hour before bed. We take a bath, brush our teeth, read books, and then tell stories. I sing the same song every night, and then he gets hugs and smooches. Having this routine helps him know what’s coming.


There are a ton of great options out there, and just about anything will work - but love the Hatch Baby Rest. I love it so much I have the Hatch Baby Rest+ in my own room, because the sound is great - and the Rest+ it has a clock on it.

I have Max’s on the dryer sound at about 40%. This not only helps him sleep well, but bringing it with me he has familiar sounds wherever we go. This not only helps create a better (and consistent) sleep environment, but also takes some of the stress off of the parents or caregivers, not worrying that every noise they make might wake up their child!


Along with his sound machine, we bring his favorite stuffed animal everywhere we go. It’s big - as big as a pillow - but it gives him the comfort of the same sleeping conditions no matter where we are. Trying to make him feel as much at home as possible wherever we are is a priority for me, and it seems to help him.


As I mentioned, my son won’t really nap anywhere that’s not blackout dark. Our travel to Korea took approximately 20 hours, and despite all of my best attempts, he only slept for approximately 30 minutes (right before our descent into Seoul). This makes travel days more mentally exhausting, but using the above resources, I’ve found that it makes it easier for him to adjust to new time zones. By the time we got to our final destination, he was so tired that we were able to get him to bed, wake him up in the morning local time, and ease him into his new schedule.

More often, we’re traveling somewhere with a 2-3 hour time difference. Here’s my method:

I try to ensure that he will get a normal night sleep in the original city. If I have to, I will opt for a flight that requires him to wake up a little earlier than usual - but I try to avoid super early morning flights. I’d rather land super late and be tired the next day then have him be cranky at the airport and on the plane.

Because he doesn’t nap on-the-go, I plan on having to entertain him for the entirety of the flight. Knowing that before I go into the flight makes it slightly more manageable. Then - we power through! The first thing I do when I get to the destination is set up his crib with his stuffed animals, Slumberpod or blackout curtains, and noise machine. I help him wind down, go through bedtime routine (abbreviated if it’s super late), and get him into bed. The hardest part is waking him up the next morning (especially if I’m jet lagged myself), but it’s worth it to keep him on a schedule. If it’s a short trip, I try to keep him on the originating city’s time zone. If it’s a longer trip, we usually just start living our lives around the new time zone right away. We all might be tired for a day or two, but everyone ends up being happier and adjusted quicker.

What are your tips on baby and toddler sleep?

Air Travel With Younger Kids

Traveling with kids is a sport in itself. Chasing a toddler around an airport is a better workout than any amount of time spent in a gym - believe it.

My three year old son has been on over 30 planes in his life so far - he’s flown everywhere from Orlando, to NY, to Seoul, South Korea. Here are some things that I’ve learned.


I start packing a few days to a week beforehand, depending on the trip. I know that it might sound crazy, but it helps cut back on the stress of wondering what I’m forgetting, etc. I start laying out what I can, and then I make a list of things that I’ll need, but that I can’t pack beforehand - such as my son’s stuffed animals and sound machine.

I also start to get mentally prepared for the day. Traveling with younger kids might not be easy, but it can be manageable!


Some children will sleep on planes, and therefore it works for some parents to fly early in the morning or later at night. My son won’t sleep on a plane or in a carseat unless he’s so tired he physically can’t keep his eyes open - so I try to fly in the middle of the day, after he’s had a good night sleep. He’s on a relatively set sleep schedule, and usually still naps - so during the travel day, we power through the no nap and then try and get him to bed at a reasonable time, either at his usual bedtime (if in the same time zone), or around the time we’d like him to adapt to if he’s in a new timezone. With all of the airport stimulation and the lack of a nap, he tends to get some sleep that night and after a day or two of waking him up at the desired time the next morning, we (knock on wood) haven’t had too much of an issue with jet jag. Check out my upcoming post on baby sleep for more on this!


After gate checking a larger stroller a few times, I’ve found that it’s been helpful for me to have a stroller that folds up small enough to fit on a plane. No need to drop it off at the gate, or wait for it upon landing. There are many options, but we use the GB Pockit - they usually ask to tag it when we board, but I let them know that it folds up small enough to go under the seat or in the overhead compartment, even on the smallest planes.

If you’re going to gate check, every airline has different stroller policies, so make sure to Google them before you leave! American Airlines seems to be the most strict about weight limits of gate checked strollers. If you’re going to check a stroller, I recommend using a padded bag - or wrapping your stroller in in a blanket in a gate check bag.

As a side note - my son is now at the age where he wants to walk (run) on his own, and that can be stressful. I try to find safe places he can run before getting on the plane, like at an empty gate!


When it comes to traveling with a carseat, the age of your child can help determine what’s best.

For babies and infants up to approximately one year old, the Doona was one of the best products ever. It goes from car or plane seat to stroller with the click of one button. We were so sad when Max grew out of his.

Now, we like to use the Cosco Scenera Next. Weighing only 6.8 lbs, I can easily carry the it through the airport if I don’t want to check it, alone or in a carseat bag - and it’s very easy to install in any car. It’s currently $50-$60 at Walmart depending on the color you’d like. It’s convertible and best for children over the age of 1.

Another option for kids (if they’re ready to be front facing) is the WayB Pico. This carseat folds down and fits in a suitcase, and it’s easier to bring along if you’re going to be taking taxis or Ubers. The install is also quick and easy. It’s significantly more expensive, but a great, compact option that fits in both airline seats and carseats.


When it comes to toys and snacks, what is going to keep his attention is a crapshoot. I try to bring a few Matchbox Cars or other small inexpensive toys that he’s never seen before, and we’ve had some success with WikkiStix. If you want to buy yourself even more time, you can wrap them in wrapping paper for your kids() to open!

I also always bring lots of simple snacks like lollipops, crackers and dried fruit. Bento boxes can also be a great way to contain snacks, give your child options, and make it fun for them to choose. Most airports also have water bottle filling stations past security, so don’t forget your child’s water bottle!

Depending on your child’s age, and your comfort level, charge up your tablet and make sure there’s a few activities or shows available to you. We like Kiddopia, ABCMouse and toddler puzzles (where the child drags a shape into the appropriate slot). Most airlines will let you use your own device for free entertainment, as well - but you’ll need to have appropriate children’s headphones on hand. We use BuddyPhones, which are volume limiting for safety purposes, and come with stickers for your child to decorate them (and a carrying bag).


I always bring a few Ziplock bags - they come in handy in unexpected ways. They’re great to hold half-eaten snacks, trash (like snotty tissues, etc) until it can be thrown away, or a stinky diaper if you don’t want to smell up the airline bathroom. On this note, it’s also helpful to bring changing table liners, as airports and airline bathrooms can be extra dirty.

What are your best tips for traveling with younger kids? Let me know in the comments!